
Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Waiting Place Post #58


  Growing up, Dr. Seuss books were my favorite and, as an adult, "Oh, The Places You'll Go" captures my heart.  Perhaps it is because it's a short synopsis on the seasons of life and the writer does a great job reminding the reader that each one - good or bad - is just that...a season.  Once again, I find myself resonating with the writing style of the book as it relates to this particular time of my life.  The waiting place.

           "For people just waiting.
             Waiting for a train to go
             Or a bus to come, or a plane to go
             Or the mail to come, or the rain to go
             Or the phone to ring or the snow to snow
             Waiting around for a yes or no
             Or waiting for their hair to grow.
             Everyone is just waiting
             Waiting for the fish to bite
             Or waiting for wind to fly a kite
            Or waiting around for Friday night
             Or waiting, perhaps, for their Uncle Jake
             Or a pot to boil, or a better break
             Or a string of pearls, or a pair of pants
             Or a wig with curls, or another chance.
             Everyone is just waiting...."

       We all find ourselves in that place from time-to-time, waiting for an answer to a job interview, or a baby to be born, a wedding, a special event, or perhaps waiting for someone to get ready to get out the door, or for a doctor who places  no value on our time.   But there is another waiting place; one where very few lucky people never have to experience but for those who do, their lives are catapulted into a different dimension where they hang in automated suspension just waiting.  And wondering....

It is a place where a loved one is experiencing a life threatening illness or injury and revolves around ICU units and hospital waiting rooms and can often drag on for weeks or months in a perpetual cycle of bargaining, shock, anger, denial, and grief, not necessarily in that order. That is where myself and other loved ones of my boyfriend Scott have been for the past month or so when he came down with a bad case of pneumonia as a side effect from antibiotics and this led to a whole other slew of illnesses, infections , and blood clots on the lung; some of which are side effects of treatments and hospital induced.  But regardless of how it happened, his life now hangs in the balance and in the agony of waiting, everyday I wish I could turn the pages forward to the back of  'our' book to see how this crisis ends.   Yet I'm not so sure I can handle the answer and I see the divine wisdom in the concept of time and the order of which things are revealed to us.

So, rather than cheating time and frantically flipping the pages ahead, I find them gently blowing backwards as the memories play out like a movie in my mind all the way back to the beginning.

Well....almost the beginning...

Facebook - September 2014 : Out of the blue - from the freckled kid who 'sat over there'. in elementary and junior high school.  

 "Wow! You are an amazing beautiful woman in your profile pictures.  I think I'm going to have to start calling you Ms. Bella.  :)  means beautiful in Italian."

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